# Tags

Tags describe properties of jSparrow rules with the intent of grouping similar rules together and making them easier to find and search for.

# Coding Conventions

Coding conventions for Java consist of a set of recommended code styles and best practices. Rules with this tag will alter source code parts to follow guides such as the Google Java Style Guide (opens new window) more closely.

List of rules with this tag:

# Free rules for jSparrow Eclipse IDE

The following rules are included directly after installation for Eclipse IDE.

List of rules with this tag:

# IO Operations

This tag marks rules that deal with I/O operations provided by java.io (opens new window) or java.nio (opens new window).

List of rules with this tag:

# Lambda

Lambda expressions are anonymous and unnamed functions that enable you to treat functionality as a method argument or code as data. Lambda expressions are an integral part of the java.util.stream API.

Whenever a rule has this tag, it means that either a lambda expression is introduced or manipulated.

List of rules with this tag:

# Logging

Logging frameworks ease and standardize the process of logging for the Java platform. In particular, they provide flexibility by avoiding explicit output to the console. The location where logs are written becomes independent of the code and can be customized at runtime.

Rules marked with this tag either introduce logging or improve aspects of the same.

List of rules with this tag:

# Loop

A loop is an instruction that repeats until a specified condition is reached. Examples would be for, while, or forEach loops. Respectively, rules with this tag will interact with such loops.

List of rules with this tag:

# Marker

The "marker" tag marks rules that include quick-fixes. Markers give developers the ability to click and choose an automatic fix to various problems during programming. jSparrow's markers i.e. quick fixes can be used to make refactoring much faster.

List of rules with this tag:

# Old Language Constructs

With additions to the Java platform, a shift towards new best practices is not uncommon, leading to old language constructs that can be improved by using more modern alternatives.

jSparrow rules having this tag replace such constructs with more up-to-date alternatives.

List of rules with this tag:

# Performance

Performance in programs is usually related to avoiding unnecessary computations, optimizing loops, or using efficient methods provided by common APIs.

For rules, this tag indicates that a code fragment is replaced by a more performant one.

List of rules with this tag:

# Readability

Readability refers to the ease with which a human reader can comprehend the purpose, control flow, and operation of source code. It affects aspects of quality, including portability, usability, and most importantly maintainability.

According to that, rules marked with this tag improve on such aspects.

List of rules with this tag:

# Security

Security issues refer to vulnerabilities that can be exploited by an attacker to perform unauthorized actions within a computer program. Rules marked with this tag replace vulnerable code fragments with secure alternatives.

List of rules with this tag:

# String Manipulation

String manipulation is the process of creating, parsing, or changing String variables or literals. Typical operations on strings include a concatenation of values or the creation of a String output based on the input of another type.

jSparrow rules having this tag will therefore be related to such String operations.

List of rules with this tag:

# Testing

jSparrow rules having this tag encourage using best practices in the test code.

List of rules with this tag:

# JUnit

jSparrow rules having this tag are designed to improve JUnit test cases by making use of the new features in JUnit 5 (opens new window) and other related testing libraries.

List of rules with this tag:

# AssertJ

jSparrow rules having this tag encourage best practices on using the AssertJ (opens new window) library for writing fluent assertions in unit tests.

List of rules with this tag:

# Spring

jSparrow rules having this tag encourage best practices on using the Spring (opens new window) library for writing web applications.

List of rules with this tag:

# Java Version Tags

Each rule has one Java version related tag, indicating the minimum required Java version of a project to apply the rule.

# Java 1.1

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 1.2

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 1.3

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 1.4

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 5

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 6

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 7

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 8

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 9

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 10

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 11

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 14

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 15

List of rules with this tag:

# Java 16

List of rules with this tag: